Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Assignment 6: Prezi

Ah Prezi.  I had such high hopes for this program.  It looks good.  It is easy to use.  It makes any presentation look amazing, but two little words bring it down.

Motion Sickness!
I have seen two Prezi presentations used in class.  Both gave me motion sickness.  One was not too bad.  The guy used a slower transition speed and kept the project fairly simple.  The other was a nightmare.  The girl that used that Prezi had these long swooping transitions with blinding speed.  I had to turn my back to the screen.  It was so bad that I could not look at it without instant vertigo.  I know my case is extreme.  Not everyone will get motion sickness watching a Prezi. (At least I hope not since it really is a good program.)  My problem with motion sickness prevents me from watching 90% of the video games on the market today.  It also keeps me from enjoying virtual reality rides with flying monkeys on magic carpets, but that is another story involving mega doses of Dramamine and a thoroughly miserable night in what is supposed to be the happiest place on earth.     

Having said all that, here are some words of advice for anyone that uses Prezi:
1.Slow down.  Slower transitions are easier on those of us that suffer from motion sickness.
2. Shorten the transition space.  Long swooping transitions might look good to you, but they set off the motion sickness like crazy.  Really, it’s like riding a roller coaster, but without the fun.
I chose to do a Halloween project because it was close to Halloween. I could have just as easily done it on Valentine’s Day or National Fried Chicken Day. (Yes, that is a real holiday that is celebrated on July 6.)   OK maybe I also did it this way because I really like Halloween.  My birthday is in October so I always kinda thought of Halloween as my holiday.  Besides, you get to dress up, eat tons of sweets (sorry Erica) and transform any mundane home into a haunted house complete with crazed pumpkin eating jack-o-lanterns. 
Yes, this was my house and it is also the same décor base I used in the Video Toolbox project.
I chose a dark background for the Prezi to give it a more ominous appearance.  I got the video from YouTube.  That was the easy part.  I found the video on the first try.  It was a good short length, but gave a lot of information.  From there I just collected pictures from the internet and filled in the story.   


  1. Actually, my husband had the same problem. He demonstrated Prezi in his IT380 classes and made a couple of girls in the front row ill. So, you are right about the speed. This is by far one of my favorite programs because everyone is so dulled by Powerpoint. I found that once I slowed down and paid attention to the paths the motion sickness was minimized. Another suggestion is to limit the number of 'scene changes'...

  2. You chose a very interesting topic. We learn something new everyday. This was one assignment that I didn't really enjoy. But it do feel that it holds a lot of potential. Your project looks great.

  3. I love your Prezi presentation. It is very cool. For motion sickness, I think they said if you frame or group pictures together it can help preventing that to happen. Check the class tutorial about that.
